
31 Days of “YES” scholarship campaign

“Relying on all volunteers, the DJ Henry Dream Fund is able to convert almost 100% of every dollar raised directly into scholarships that allow children to recapture the special moments of involved childhoods.”  Said Danroy Henry Sr. Co-Founder and Board Chair.

We are getting children off of the sidelines and into the game in the same way that Danroy “DJ” Henry could pursue his interests without concern for the fees required to participate in sports and healthy activities.  Thousands of promising children stuck  in a season of NO simply because they cannot pay the price of admission, are now saying “YES”.  This month, you can help to change that by becoming a YES maker during our 31 days of “YES” campaign.  Your donation, sponsorship or gift will go directly to children in need.  Please consider a multiple event pledge!  Become a YES maker!

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